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Auto Scan Assist Technology

Auto Scan Assist

Utilizing AI to Standardize and Simplify MR Scan Planning with Auto Scan Assist

Auto Scan Assist standardizes your workflow with automated slice alignment for a range of anatomical examinations.

Now utilizing Deep Learning2 and Machine Learning3 on liver, prostate and whole spine exams, productivity is advanced to enhance procedural efficiency.

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Auto Scan Assist Technology

Reduce MRI set-up steps and operator burden

Auto Scan Assists takes away the variability and helps you improve workflow with automated slice alignment for a range of standard exams across the whole body.

Utilizing Deep Learning2 and Machine Learning3 based automatic recognition, productivity is advanced to enhance alignment consistency and procedural efficiency.

Applicable Body Regions



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Achieve outstanding scan consistency for all your brain exams with NeuroLine+. The function’s intelligent alignment algorithm allows you to automatically set up according to AC-PC or OM line.

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“Using this technique allows us to carry out a real follow-up on patients with multiple sclerosis and brain tumors. The reproducibility of the scan planes allows us to compare both the number of macrophages and their size. Measurements can also be replicated in the case of brain tumor treatment, and we can judge the effectiveness of the treatment. Today, 97% of exams for MS and tumors are carried out using this technique.”1

Marie Dominique BOESPFLUG, Radiologist and Doctor, GIE VAR OUEST, OllioulesÏ



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With its auto-locator functionality, SpineLine+ allows you to plan spine studies quickly and easily. Sagittal and coronal locators allow you to set double-oblique slices, enhancing the reproducibility of follow-up exams.

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Whole Spine


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Automatic slice orientation and positioning for Sagittal, Coronal, and Axial planes in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions for whole spine examinations.

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CardioLine+ and SUREVOI Cardiac

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CardioLine+ can automatically detect 14 different standard views of the heart for quick workflow. SUREVOI Cardiac automatically detects the location of the patient’s heart and moves it to the center of the magnet where the homogeneity is the highest.

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CardioLine+ View Example


SUREVOI Cardiac View Example

SUREVOI™ Cardiac


LiverLine+ and SUREVOI Liver

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Automatic slice orientation and positioning for 2D RMC Probe, Visual Prep, MRCP and Liver examinations.

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Automatic slice orientation and positioning for Axial, Sagittal and Coronal planes based upon Pi-Rad Standards. Furthermore, the users can select a more detailed and exact slice orientation and positioning parallel and/or perpendicular to urethra for prostate examinations.

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KneeLine+ and SUREVOI Knee

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KneeLine+ improves reproducibility and image quality. SUREVOI Knee supports the accurate alignment of the knee to the iso-center enabling you to reduce artifact related re-scans.

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”After 2 or 3 days of adaptation, the team has utmost confidence in the AI automatic positioning techniques, which allow them to concentrate on other, more rewarding tasks, such as post-processing tasks. Exam time is optimized and no time is wasted. Today, 85% of knee exams are performed using this technique.“1

Frédéric MARTIN, Referring MRI technician, GIE VAR OUEST, OllioulesÏ

SUREVOI Cardiac and CardioLine+ Provide Increased Throughput and Ease of Use: A Customer Perspective

Customer Testimonial

SUREVOI Cardiac and CardioLine+ Provide Increased Throughput and Ease of Use: A Customer Perspective

View PDF

1 The clinical results, performance and views described are the experience of the clinicians. Results may vary due to clinical setting, patient presentation and other factors.
2 Deep Learning is applicable to SUREVOI Liver.
3 Machine Learning is applicable to Neuroline+, ProstateLine+, LiverLine+, W-SpineLine+, and SpineLine+ applications.