Press Releases | Archives

October 21, 2010

Enhanced Resolution and Ergonomic Design Ideal for Range of Patient Exams TUSTIN, Calif., Oct. 21, 2010 – One of the top priorities for healthcare facilities today is improving operational efficiency. To help address this issue, University Hospitals Case Medical Center (UHCMC) in Cleveland, Ohio, rated among the best hospitals in the nation, recently purchased a…

October 14, 2010

Customers Rank Service on Toshiba’s CT Scanners No. 1 in 26 Attributes; Toshiba Outscored Industry Overall in 33 Out of 40 Attributes TUSTIN, Calif., Oct. 14, 2010 – When it comes to diagnostic imaging, today’s healthcare facilities seek the best value in imaging and customer service. Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.’s Service organization is committed…

October 4, 2010

TUSTIN, Calif., Oct. 4, 2010 – Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc. announced today that Joseph Cooper has been named director, CT Business Unit. As the new director, Cooper will be responsible for implementing tactical and strategic marketing plans that drive customer satisfaction, market share growth and profitability. He will also interface with the global business…

September 20, 2010

Xario XG’s Portability and Advanced Imaging Capabilities Improve Bariatric, OB/GYN and General Radiology Imaging Throughout Hospital TUSTIN, Calif., Sept. 20, 2010 – Today’s hospitals are under pressure to enhance patient care and streamline workflow while containing costs. To achieve this goal, Florida Hospital Fish Memorial acquired four XarioTM XG ultrasound systems from Toshiba America Medical…

August 30, 2010

Vantage Atlas’ Patient-Focused Features Ideal for Pediatric Facility TUSTIN, Calif., Aug. 30, 2010 – Diagnostic imaging leader Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. has installed its 1,000th Vantage MR system worldwide. Kosair Children’s Medical Center – Brownsboro, the only pediatric outpatient facility of its type in Kentucky, is the site of Toshiba’s milestone installation. The new…

August 23, 2010

Putting Patients First Program to Fund Grants Focused on Providing Education and Improving Patient Care TUSTIN, Calif., Aug. 23, 2010 – Healthcare facilities across the country are committed to providing the highest levels of patient care and safety for their communities. To help facilities build new or expand existing education and patient care initiatives, AHRA:…

August 18, 2010

OAK BROOK, Ill., Aug. 18, 2010 – The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Research & Education (R&E) Foundation awarded 2010 Toshiba America Medical Systems/RSNA grants to Kenneth S. Lee, M.D., Nitin Ohri, M.D., and Ben Paxton, M.D. The grants are made possible by Toshiba’s support of the RSNA R&E Foundation. The Toshiba America Medical…

August 12, 2010

TUSTIN, Calif., Aug. 12, 2010 – Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. announced today that Stuart Clarkson has been named director, MR Business Unit. As the new director, Clarkson will be responsible for implementing tactical and strategic marketing plans to drive growth and profitability. He will also interface with Toshiba’s global business unit at Toshiba Medical…

August 9, 2010

System’s Ability to Capture up to 16 cm in One Rotation is Ideal for Pediatric Patients TUSTIN, Calif., Aug. 9, 2010 – When pediatric patients are imaged using CT, reducing sedation and radiation dose while maintaining the best possible image quality is paramount in delivering care. To provide patients with high-quality CT exams and a…

July 28, 2010

Physicians from California and Washington, D.C., Awarded for their Patient Care Research in Technical and Clinical Advancement of Cardiovascular CT TUSTIN, Calif., July 28, 2010 – The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), the leading international professional society dedicated to research, education and clinical excellence in cardiovascular computed tomography (CT), has named Dr. Raman Dusaj…