Mobile CT Solution

Mobile CT Solutions and Lung Cancer Screening

Improving healthcare access and transforming care pathways

Improving access and transforming care pathways with Mobile CT imaging that enhances diagnostic capabilities and confidence with AI-trained intelligent reconstructions.

On the go, fast CT imaging, powered by generator or shore power, with the Aquilion Serve SP, Aquilion Prime SP, or Aquilion Lightning CT systems, supporting diverse clinical needs: routine screenings, detailed scans for oncology, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neurological patients.

Enhanced experience and safety with the patient-centric design, wide, open and low gantry.

Optimized workflows through streamlined, automated and integrated SUREWorkflow technologies, ensuring high-patient throughput without compromising consistency or image quality.

Trusted Partnership

Jenny Ostein
Director of Mobile Screening
West Virginia University Cancer Institute

Lauren Hixenbaugh
LUCAS Unit Program Manager
West Virginia University Cancer Institute

Listen to Jenny Ostein, Director of Mobile Screening and Lauren Hixenbaugh, LUCAS Unit Program Manager from West Virginia University (WVU), to learn more about the partnership between Canon Medical systems and WVA, transforming cancer screenings in rural West Virginia.

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