CT Guided Interventions Experience

CT Guided Interventions

Simple and Streamlined

CT Guided Interventions | Clinical Presentations

Fred T. Lee Jr., MD

Dr. Fred T. Lee Jr., MD

SIR 2024 Lunch and Learn Symposium

Tips and Tricks for Making Lung Biopsies

Safer, Faster, Slicker

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Kevin Anton, MD, PhD

Dr. Kevin Anton, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology
Director, Global Health Radiology
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA

SIR 2022 Lunch and Learn Symposium

Streamlining CT Guided Percutaneous Biopsy and Ablation

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Yusuf Karrar, MD

Dr. Yusuf Karrar, MD

Vascular and Interventional Radiologist, CentraCare

Simple and Streamlined

Listen to Dr. Yusuf Karrar, MD discuss CT guided interventions touch interface.

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